Thursday 28 January 2016

Maths through stories

Thank you to all that attended our Raising Early literacy event. This time we focused on learning maths through stories. The children seemed to thoroughly enjoy our puppet show, and the adults too! We hope you all took some good ideas away and enjoyed the event!

Thursday 21 January 2016

We have been having lots of fun in nursery this week. We have been very active, practising our ball and bike skills. We are coming to the end of our winter theme, so we decided to bring snow to nursery and the children loved it!

Friday 15 January 2016

2016 so far!

Its been a great start to the year so far, we've been learning and developing our skills. We enjoyed the balance bikes, this helped with co-ordination and special awareness. We have been mark making We have learning numbers through songs and lots more...