Friday 23 January 2015

January 2015 so far

We have been enjoying the New Year so far in pre-school and been learning all about winter. The children have loved our frozen theme and the staff have enjoyed singing a few versions of let it go! The children are really trying hard with their numbers and letters and have been developing their mark making skills. We are always thinking of new ways to learn whilst also following the children's interests. They are a great group and we have really enjoyed these past few weeks, finding out and exploring through play and talk. Circle time and a focus on personal, social and emotional development is always important to us, as we want your children to feel settled and content in our care and amongst their peers, we have had some lovely comments from children, such as "I love playing with ...... because they make me laugh" and " my best friends are..... I like playing with them." It's great to see the children so happy together. We will be learning all about Chinese New Year next and will also be practising out nursery rhymes for the rhyme challenge.